Don Wenner's Elite Impact Podcast

8 E's of Elite Team Results - Bonus Episode

Episode Summary

Don Wenner, Founder, and CEO of DLP Capital give his insights on the 8 E's of Elite Team Results.

Episode Notes

We are SO excited to share this bonus episode of the podcast where Don Wenner talks about what he calls, “The 8 E’s of Elite Team Results”, and it is one of the ingredients of his secret sauce that has led to high growth and high profit at DLP Capital. I stitched together audio from two sources, the first was an internal team training that Don led for the awesome team members at DLP Capital and training he led for our DLP Elite members at a recent event in Florida. 

I HIGHLY encourage you to check out our events, we have some coming up in Asheville and Puerto Rico and these are can’t miss events. Go to to register. Without further ado let’s kick it over to Don as he peels back the curtain on one of the secrets to DLP Capital’s success not only as an organization but the team members that make up this great company. 

To learn even more about Don’s views on leadership, I highly recommend checking out his book, “Building An Elite Organization”, which you can find on audible or amazon or by going to  Buy BUILDING AN ELITE ORGANIZATION - Don's bestselling book on scaling a high-profit business


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