Don Wenner's Elite Impact Podcast

JJ Birden Ep. 12 | Overcoming Obstacles

Episode Summary

JJ Birden is a 9-year veteran of the NFL and is a motivational speaker.

Episode Notes

Welcome everyone to today’s episode of Impact with Don Wenner. Today we have a GUEST host, DLP's own Bo Parfet, Chief Growth Officer at DLP Capital. 

We are talking with JJ Birden. JJ Birden is a 9-year veteran of the NFL and is a motivational speaker. To make it in the NFL is a staggering statistic, but to make it at 5’10”, 160 lbs is a true feat. What kept JJ on the field for almost a decade wasn’t just how he played the game but rather how he approached every day like it was game day. JJ was willing to put in the work and do whatever it took to improve.

The three things listeners should take away from this podcast are:

  1. Overcoming your obstacles
  2. Approaching Every Day like game day
  3. And the importance of mentorship and coaching

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