Don Wenner's Elite Impact Podcast

Justin Donald Ep. 7 | Risk in Entrepreneurship

Episode Summary

Today we have Justin Donald on the show. Justin is the host of the “Lifestyle Investor” podcast and the author of the best-selling book “The Lifestyle Investor”

Episode Notes

Today we have Justin Donald on the show. Justin is the host of the “Lifestyle Investor” podcast and the author of the best-selling book “The Lifestyle Investor” 

Justin is a master of low-risk cash flow investing, specializing in simplifying complex financial strategies, structuring deals, and disciplined investment systems that consistently produce profitable results.

Justin is a board member of Front Row Foundation International. He and his wife Jennifer contribute to various causes privately and through their church, fighting cancer, building clean water wells in third-world countries and other humanitarian efforts. Additionally, they sponsor multiple children through Compassion International.

The 3 KEY TAKEAWAYS from this episode are: 

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